Module 16: Production of slides

Slide template

Care should be taken over the selection of a slide template, as this can either enhance or downgrade a presentation. Elaborate templates may be distracting and can also decrease the visibility of the text (see figure).

A plain background allows the audience to concentrate on the text and not the pattern behind it.


Fonts should be chosen for their ease of reading and clarity at a distance. The size of the font should be large enough to ensure those at the back of the room can still clearly read the text.

Slide Content

The content of your slides is of vital importance and although the usual format would include an introduction, content and summary, you may choose to start with something which is likely to arouse the interest of the audience. It can be useful to have a slide towards the beginning of the talk that indicates the structure of the presentation (i.e. a list of subheadings or sections) and to then use these subheadings during the talk to help the audience to keep ‘on track’.

A common fault of presentations is the use of too much text per slide (see figure). 

The ‘rule of six’ has been suggested as a guide, which indicates a maximum of six lines per slide and six words per line. The information on the slide should convey only the main points or key words, without the use of complete sentences or punctuation. The text should provide some detail which is then expanded by the speaker. This allows the audience to listen to what is being said without trying to read a section of detailed text simultaneously. Each slide should generally be limited to one idea or concept, and use predominantly lower-case letters for ease of reading.

Pure text slides should be kept to a minimum. The use of tables, diagrams or graphs help break up a presentation and can be useful to allow explanations in a different format. Any figures should be clearly labeled and the speaker should take the audience through the slide or table highlighting the key elements. Images are also an important part of the educational content of a presentation and can dramatically enhance its effectiveness. Images should be of good quality to ensure that they project clearly. Images should only be used if they are relevant, but can add humor to the presentation. Videos can also be used in the same ways. When using videos, care must be taken to ensure the quality of the video clip and that the volume is suitable for the room in which the presentation will take place.

Now, watch this illustrative video to understand better.